Provider of mobile ultrasound and diagnostic ultrasound services. The company offers mobile ultrasound and diagnostic ultrasound services which are offered in collaboration with several healthcare entities including physicians, radiology technicians, cardiologists, ultrasound technicians, and ultrasound providers. The ultrasound diagnostic tests offered by the company include abdominal x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), mammography, ultrasound, and tomography. The company also provides consultation on infertility problems and reproductive health and monitors the ongoing success rate of the infertility treatments being conducted by the physicians.
Provider of medical diagnostic ultrasound and imaging services for the diagnostic medical field. This company provides both routine and specialty ultrasound imaging tests and modalities to suit the needs of medical facilities and physicians at all levels. It offers both interventional and ambulatory diagnostic medical sonography, mammography, abdominal x-ray, and tomography services. It is a part of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Association (DMSA) which governs the standards of diagnostic medical sonography throughout the United States. Find more here about the best ultrasound experts to visit.
Provider of medical imaging and ultrasound services for gynecological and endometrial conditions. The ultrasound technology offered by this provider includes abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, laparoscopy, and mammography for women within their reproductive years. It provides diagnostic medical ultrasound and mammography services for women undergoing gynecological examinations. It also provides other medical diagnostic procedures for women such as endometrial biopsy, pelvic examination, and abdominal ultrasound.
Provider of ultrasound and diagnostic medical sonography services. The diagnostic medical sonography offered by this provider includes ultrasound imaging and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology. The ultrasound diagnostic medical sonography is used to locate and treat abnormalities and diseases in human beings and animals. This is done using the principle of Doppler technology that involves the use of radio waves. This diagnostic medical sonography provider uses the latest software and hardware to improve the patient's quality of life. It also provides support services such as training and educational programs to the staff and technicians.
A provider of medical imaging equipment and diagnostic medical sonography services for oncology patients. This provider specializes in providing mammography, abdominal CT scan and ultrasound technology to oncology patients. Ultrasound is used to detect tumors and cancerous tissues. This is done using the principle of vascular ultrasound that uses sound waves to produce images of the affected area.
Provider of medical ultrasound technology and diagnostic equipment. This provider offers high quality equipment and diagnostic tools to hospitals, laboratories and other healthcare facilities. It also provides support services such as training and educational programs to the staff and technicians. For more details about this topic,read this article: